Xgen Say - Audio / Video Calls

by Data Ingenious Global Limited



Xgen SAY app provides enterprise class audio/video calls. Xgen Say also works with XgenPlus email server so you do not need mobile number or any other phone number to install the app and make a call, you just need email address and internet to talk to someone. So if caller and recipient of the call have WiFi or 3G/4G internet connection, both can talk to each other with audio / video calls. Xgen Say key features:* Need email address instead of phone number. (privacy)* high definition audio and video calls* audio conference calls with various participants* Xgen IM/Chat Integration* Xgen Say accounts reachable at any time, even if the app is closed (thanks to push notifications)* secure communication (encryption options)* compliant with a SIP-compatible VoIP service provider. * Recording control within app.